Hello there!
We are a bunch of individuals who started observing common trends amongst job seekers, career changers – missing strategies, incorrect course, methodical style, desperation, depression. Not saying everyone has all of these issues but the trend is similar and all it needed was a course correction and a method.

We started mentoring (with altruistic ambitions) since 2016, and have successfully mentored close to 40 individuals – 100% employment hit rate, till date. Wow! We surprised ourselves, and its all free!

As part of the team, we have ex-job seekers (clients of MyFirstITJob.com.au), founder (20 Years IT experience) and people we call upon for various mentoring sessions.

How much do we charge? Nothing …this is purely a community support venture.

Talking to us is free; Pick up the phone and give us a call on 0421 090 059.

@Copyright 2023 My First IT Job